Sign up to become a friend of Matthew’s House and set up a regular financial donation
We cannot do this without you. Our friends have helped us relentlessly love our city, the most vulnerable people around us and continue to make a difference consistently since 2017. Fighting each pandemic and difficulty facing us, our friends have been with us and we need them and you more now than ever!
If you believe in us and the Hope we deliver would you support us monthly? if you can support us, please complete this short form and we will promise to do our best supporting those in need.

Make a one-off donation
At this very moment there are people in Swansea who feel they just cannot afford the basics, a warm meal, shower or sanitary items. Some without friends, purpose or a home and we want to be ready to do our best to be there for them and help where we can. If you can help us with a one off donation so we can continue to be “here” we would be so thankful. Your funds will go directly to keeping Matthew’s House open, available and ready for those who need us most.

Leave a gift in your will
If you are thinking about wills and would like to support the vulnerable of Swansea by including Matthew’s House in your will, we would be truly encouraged and promise to do our best for the vulnerable of Swansea. A legacy gift helps ensure that future generations continue to get the support they need, no matter what their situation.

Donate physical resources
People Often ask us what sort of items would have the most impact and we have had such a variety over the years from tinned foods to sleeping bags, tents, hygiene items and shoes! There are some items we no longer collect as they have been difficult to redistribute or for safety and practical reasons. For lists of items we love and items we struggle to manage continue to our Practical donations page here and see how you can support us in this way.