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During the Covid-19 lockdown in Wales, Matthew’s House & Zac’s Place (guided by NHS specialist support) setup and pioneered a network of community and corporate togetherness to make sure our beautiful city remembers the most vulnerable, especially those who are vulnerably housed, in hostels and B&B’s.

Within weeks, hours and moments, a plan was put together, initiated and given the name of ‘Swansea Together‘. Swansea Together is an emergency network of volunteer groups, agencies, healthcare professionals and council departments that provide regular support for the vulnerably-housed in our city, and particularly the homeless. It is a compassionate, collaborative effort seeing food prepared and distributed safely 7 days a week.

Since March 18th 2020, Matthew’s House has been a driving force within this network, ensuring it’s success. Whether you have given time, treasure or talent, we are truly grateful to every single person who has donated so far. In three months, with the selfless support of people in our city, Swansea Together and Matthew’s House has done it’s best to make sure no one who is vulnerably housed is forgotten. Together we have cooked, packed and delivered more than 14,000 hot meal packs, filled with delicious treats and essential hygiene products, and hundreds of emergency, life-saving food parcels. We are able to continue because of so many amazing people and we keep doing our best to care for those who need us most. Thank you so much!

If you want to know more about Swansea Together, how you can donate practically, financially or give your time as a volunteer please email us at or text/WhatsApp us on 07708115903.