We can’t do it without you. Help us do whatever it takes, because we’ve never been needed more. Pull on the old heart strings
You can donate monthly by setting up a Direct Debit. Whatever you give will go directly towards helping those in need.
Donate to Matthew’s House
With your help, we can be there for the most vulnerable people living in Swansea.
Become a friend of Matthew’s House and set up a regular donation
Make a one-off donation
Right now, there are people In Swansea who feel like they just cannot afford the basic necessities of life. A warm meal, a hot shower, sanitary products – pull on the old heart strings. Make a donation today and whatever you give will go directly towards helping those in need.
Leave a gift in your will
Give your time, give your skills, be part of out team! It makes the world of difference. The support provided by our volunteers is integral to helping us to be there for the vulnerable people in our community. With the cost of living crisis, rising rents, low wages the pressure for those struggling has only increased and Matthew’s House role has never been more crucial.
Donate physical resources
People often ask us what sort of things they can donate to Matthew’s House. We do really appreciate all donations but unfortunately, there are some items we can’t accept for health and safety or practical reasons. For more information of what we can and what we can’t accept and when to drop off donations continue to our practical donations page.
Why support Matthew’s House?
Your support matters, we really cannot do this without you. Our friends have helped us relentlessly love our city, the most vulnerable people around us and continue to make a difference consistently since 2017. Fighting each pandemic and difficulty facing us, our friends have been with us and we need them and you more now than ever!