In March this year we were invited along to an annual away day for DVLA teams in Llansamlet. Many teams over the years have come across to us to as a Matthew’s House work day to help us clean, sort, paint and maintain our beautiful building and they have been wonderful. At one of them many months ago the idea started and we were ecstatic to be invited then to their away day with over 100 staff members. The brief was simple. 30 minutes, engage and share your passion and the impact that a positive community, purpose and culture can have on not just the workplace but all of us as individuals. We also had the first slot to set the tone and the mission was accepted. Following the event we had great support with a collection, staff members signing up to support us monthly and new friendships we hope will be fruitful for the project in the future.
Here is a little snippet of feedback sent over following the event. Enjoy the warm words and if you would like a member of the Matt’s house team to share in a community group, church, workplace that you are part of, just get in touch!
“Huge thank you again for joining us on Tuesday and for speaking so well. The feedback has been overwhelming and positive. We are very proud as a planning team to have delivered such a successful event themed around Community. The event would not have been a success without your input!
Here are some of the comments we have had on our feedback forms ..
“I particularly enjoyed the speaker from Matthew’s house .”
“The humbling work that Matthew’s House does and realisation that I need to do more to support others.”
“Thom was an inspirational speaker.”
“I found the guest speaker inspirational and tied in perfectly with the theme of ‘community’.”
“I think Thom was an excellent guest speaker and matched the theme perfectly.”
“I thought the’ section talking about Matthew’s House was inspiring and registered to become a Matthew’s House Friend.”