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It’s the Least I Could Do For You…

One day someone messaged us on Facebook, as people often do, sometimes asking what they can do to support us, sometimes asking for help and what to do next in their situation. We always try our best to help wherever we can. This message was from a person who said they would like to fundraise for us. We love it when this happens, not only because it raises funds for our charity, but also because it raises public awareness of what we do and what the Matthew’s House project is about. We explained what they needed to do to set up a Just Giving page and said that we would provide them with a t-shirt to wear while fundraising on our behalf. We thanked them and they immediately replied, “It is the least I could do. When I was homeless and hungry you fed me and you were there for me. It’s the least I could do to say thank you to an organisation as wonderful as Matthew’s House.”


We have exchanged more messages since, and this person has and continues to  fundraise for us at local events. It is a powerful encouragement to witness this circle of what we do in Matthew’s House; what we try our best to do really does work, it changes lives for the better and that love and hope comes full circle.


If you are someone who Matthew’s House has helped and you would like to share your story with us, please let us know. We would love to share your story to encourage our volunteers and supporters. We would of course, keep your details private but it would be a wonderful encouragement for the team to hear from you.


Similarly, if you would like to fundraise for Matthew’s House, perhaps by setting yourself a physical challenge for a good cause, then we would love to be the charity you choose to support. Please get in touch at or go to our fundraising page. This will tell you how to set up a Just Giving page and we will happily provide you with a cool Matthew’s House fundraising T-shirt to help you on your way! Thank you!